Taumarunui & Districts Historical Society Inc is all about collecting local history and publishing it so it is readily available to the community.
In 2008 members of Taumarunui’s community got together and asked the question – are there enough of us interested to set about encouraging the ability to collect, write and publish more of our local history?
The result was the formation of Taumarunui & Districts Historical Society Inc.
There was a solid foundation to build on. Local historian Ron Cooke had produced an historical magazine series in the 1980s. Our initial project was to republish the series as a set of six books. This was achieved then, with community input via a writing competition, Roll Back the Years Volume 7, full of as yet untold stories, was published in December 2017.
A long planned history of the trucking industry was taken on. Three volumes later there are still more stories to tell.
Ken Anderson, who researched and wrote books on King Country sawmilling, was an enthusiast for forming the Society. Since his death the Society has continued with his unfinished work. During 2017/18 research is ongoing related to Manunui with the aim of completing the trilogy Ken began on Ellis & Burnand’s big sawmills in the Central King Country.
All publications are available for purchase.
Find out more at: www.rollbacktheyears.co.nz
Taumaranui & Districts Historical Society Inc
PO Box 329
Taumarunui 3946
Ph: 07 896 7072
Email: tdhs08@farmside.co.nz